Green Week
Join Newark Bicycle Shop on September 18th for a Wellness on Wheels Bike Tour! Meet at Nat Turner Park before 6:15pm and enjoy a 15 mile bike ride!

Join Newark Green Team's monthly informal networking event - Green Drinks! Taking place on September 19th from 6pm - 8pm at Kilkenny Alehouse, 27 Central Ave.! Come earlier and enjoy Halsey Festival taking place from 3pm - 8pm. Thanks to Audible, the first round of drinks for the first 50 attendees is free!
Join Keep Newark Beautiful for National World Clean-up Day on September 20th! Scan the QR code on the left and fill the form to be part of beautifying our neighborhood.

Have something in good condition that you no longer need or want? Scan the QR code, fill the form, and bring it to GreenFest Newark 2024! X from Clean Water Action is hosting a Really Free Green Market! You can bring books, household items, bags, toys, jewelry, clothes, etc. and take what you need at GreenFest! September 21st, from 12pm - 4pm at Nat Turner Park.